Students and families of all faith backgrounds, who share our values, are welcome. You do not have to be Catholic to attend McAuley College.
The College accepts completed Application Forms for students in Year 5 upwards looking to come to McAuley College for Year 7 or beyond. For students in younger grades, we are happy to accept an Expression of Interest, which we will follow up once your child moves into Year 5. Click on the relevant link below to access the forms:
Enrolment Overview
Current Year Level | Anticipated Start Year at McAuley | Enrolling |
Year 5 2024
| Year 7 2026
| Enrolments commenced in 2024.
Year 4 2024
| Year 7 2027
Enrolment applications are also accepted for all other year levels offered at the College. Places are offered at the discretion of the Principal.
The College will accept enrolments throughout the year, however, unless there are special circumstances new students will always commence at the beginning of a term.
For further information regarding enrolments contact the College on 5542 3000 or email
Enrolment Process
Complete the Online Enrolment Application
Forward the following documents, within seven (7) days, to to complete the application of enrolment.
Birth Certificate
Baptism Certificate, if applicable
Latest NAPLAN report
Latest School report
Receipt for the application fee - see table below for the cost and method of payment.
Any legal or medical documents pertaining to your child's health or welfare, e.g. court orders or vertifications
Once the above documents have been received an Enrolment Interview will be organised. Interviews will normally occur in the year your son or daughter is in Year 5, when applying to commence in Year 7.
If your child's application indicates they may have additional needs, an Enrolment Application Support Process (EASP) may be required and parents will receive an overview of this process at that time.
If offered a place, parents will be sent a Confirmation of Enrolment form. This must be completed and returned to the College by a specified date along with proof of payment of the Confirmation Fee - see table below for the cost and method of payment.
In some instances, a second interview may be required.
Enrolments other than at the beginning of the School Year:
It is our preference to commence new students at the beginning of each term and not in the middle of a term. However, decisions regarding this will be based on individual circumstances and at the discretion of the College Principal.
Application and Confirmation Fees
Application Fee
| $100 | This fee should be paid by EFTPOS or direct deposit to: BSB: 064 786 Account No: 100024597 Account Name: McAuley College If paying by Direct Deposit, please use your child's surname as the reference.
Confirmation Fee
| $200
For further information contact the College on 5542 3000 or